Posted by Norm Richards on 23/01/02
Welcome to the Misty Flying Club
Feb 6th, 2025: We were advised last night that Doug Linn, founder of Misty Mooring and Return to Misty Mooring passed away this week. For well over 30 yrs Doug led in the development of MM then RTMM. He was a warm hearted caring person to all who met him whether that was in person or in the forum environment on the RTMM site with the flightsim community. Our deepest condolences to his family. Rest in Peace.
NOTAM0: As of November 2024 the DOWNLOADS TAB FROM THE HOME PAGE IS BROKEN: It is yielding "Purchase Validation Failed!" We are still waiting for the web service provider to rectify. In the meantime ALL the various downloads are available on our Discord Channel.
NOTAM1: Tour Series:
General: It is best to fly the excursions in order as each excursion follows the previous as a world tour or continuous route: MFC0001 through MFC0067 AND then MFS0001 onwards: but if you wish to fly tours out of order, you may.
MFC Tours MFC0001 through MFC0063 were designed in FSX/P3D using their airport tables and using RTMM add-on scenery designed for FSX/P3D. (MSFS users may have to tweak ICAO naming convention as well as RTMM some locations that have not been reproduced in MSFS).
MFC Tours MFC0064 through MFC0067 are "crossover tours" flyable in MSFS, FSX and/or P3D using ICAO id that are common to all of these sims.
MFS Tours (MFS0001 onwards) have been designed/defined using MSFS airport tables and RTMM Add-on scenery created for MSFS. The ICAO might not be 100% in FSX/P3D but for most there should be an equivalent FSX/P3D ICAO that can be used for the airport locations.
NOTAM2: When joining a tour please ensure you go to the bottom of the tour page and use the "SELECT" window to select an aircraft you wish to fly for that excursion. You are not locked into the selected aircraft as you can change the aircraft used for any leg via "Cigar Box" but an aircraft must be selected on each ttour page for the tour module to correctly generate tour bids.
NOTAM3: REMINDER: Landing rate max is -600 fpm.
After many years, we have been informed that the RTMM site: Downloads, forums/pages may be more limited and transitioning to a more cost effective option. MFC Discord now is home to all the large all-on-one downloads and as well is becoming the primary location for text, and forums. The Misty Flying Club Discord Channels serve the purpose to save and house the important links to the RTMM scenery legacy for all to continue to enjoy and in addition adds functionality to not only provide a similar text/forum in text channels but also provide voice rooms.
The MFC/RTMM Discord server will have most of the RTMM site functionality and will contain all of the links to the RTMM all-in-one scenery packages: for sims: FSX, P3Dv4, P3Dv5 as well as MSFS2020. Additionally, will provide direct links on this discord server to Tongass Fjords for FSX package (install version) and the Tongass Fjords P3D add-on.
This Discord server will have several forum/chat type text channels and help/support text channels as well as several voice channels (coms) for voice chat communication from misc voice chat to help/support to those who want to join in voice coms during flights or group flying events etc.
Please try to make yourself familiar with the Discord application and how to navigate. Discord's format is a bit different than many are used to but after a short time and learning curve, hopefully all will be come familiar with its use and navigation.
If you have any problems just give a yell and I will assist you.